It is surprisingly hard to say more with less.   Nevertheless,  it simply has to be done.

Trying to get the key value proposition down to a 5-10 second message takes weeks! Specifically pretty much all of the last month.  Clearly we will keep developing it.   We’re closer to the start that the end in terms of key messages.

We couldn’t do it without help

Let me explain : we’re still getting ready for a launch – once the QBR module is finished to a ‘MVP’ standard (by the way, it looks AMAZING! – I’m so proud of our team). 

But because we’re still testing our concepts with pilot partners and getting their feedback, it has been really interesting to reflect on the work we did just 3 months ago on our website.  

What were we thinking?  Sheesh?

Actually, its not that bad, but it is instructive to see how our continued work, and partner and advisor feedback has helped us refine how we explain our concepts.

That’s culminated in a new PowerPoint deck that I’ve been testing this week, and it seems to have paid off.  We were lucky to get a meeting with the big boss of ConnectWise and that just had to go well! (And it did – he wants more time with us for a deep dive now).  These guys are busy, they’ve seen it all, we get one chance for months and years of work to either create interest .. or not .. and so it just has to work!

My learnings this month? – listen!

While the original idea is ours, our understanding of the way to apply it, the benefits, the opportunities have all come from our partners.

We don’t know it all!  And we don’t need to either.

There are loads of folk out there who generously share their experiences, ideas and suggestions, and we nare so grateful for that!

It’s easy to get locked into your own paradigm.  “This is our concept – take it or leave it” (or worse- “You don’t understand it”).  We’re going the other way- “This is our idea – what do you think? ” – and then listened carefully to the answers

So to our early user base – THANK YOU!  The product is amazing, and its thanks to your feedback.

To the many people giving us advice, THANK YOU.  I promise that I’ll be looking to share and help others with our experiences when I’m asked.

Finally, back to the website –  we now need to get on with filtering the feedback back into the website over the next week, and leave our poor hardworking development team alone so that they can finish the QBR module (aiming for June by the way!)